Quadrilect Background

Call now +44 (0)7483 348 224

Building Successful Contract Relationships

helping you help your people

How did it become so adversarial? It's not the relationship we thought we were getting into.
I hear such comments all the time from clients and providers. The good news is that it is possible to get things back on track!
- Gillian French, Quadrilect Ltd's lead trainer in contract management

What are your challenges?

Outsourcing in all its various forms is now an embedded part of FM service delivery, but despite years of experience in many organisations, contract relationships can still prove challenging for both clients and provider companies. We regularly find that there are particular issues around:

  • Managing expectations on both sides
  • Creating the right operating culture for success
  • Handling changing needs during the life of the contract
  • Maintaining momentum - and encouraging innovation
  • Dealing with transition as new operating models are introduced - and building new skills for changing roles
  • Understanding what is motivating the other party
  • How to handle problems as they arise and stop them becoming major issues

How can we help?

Our expert trainers have first-hand knowledge of client organisations and service providers, as well as extensive experience in contract specification and procurement. We have worked successfully with public and private sector teams to help improve processes and address cultural and behavioural issues, such as:

  • Preparing client managers for the transition to outsourcing
  • Supporting providers looking to improve client retention and contract development
  • Reviewing performance issues and facilitating improvements
  • Improving negotiating skills
  • Raising awareness of communications issues and developing better techniques
  • Revisiting service levels and customer needs.

Looking for help in Other Areas?

We can support your development needs right across the FM spectrum, so whether you're looking to improve your.. ...or other aspects of FM practice, please just give us a call on +44 (0)7483 348 224.