Transforming Customer Service
helping you help your people
In an era when everyone is under pressure to deliver more with less resource, it's critical for FM teams to focus on aligning services closely to customer needs. Faces with increasingly tough challenges across the public and private sectors, Facilities Managers must balance commercial needs against customer requirements, recognising that expectations of service at all levels have changed dramatically. Unlocking the potential of FM staff at all levels to grow their confidence and expertise in dealing with customers can transfer your service delivery - and help your organisation stand apart in delivering excellence, despite the difficult operating climate.
What are your main customer service challenges.
Embedding the concept of professional customer service is much more than a process issue. It often means addressing fundamental cultural issues and changing behaviours to underpin new and more responsive ways of working. But effecting change is a highly complex process, and our clients often tell us they face significant challenges, such as:
- Over-coming low morale and fear of change, amongst managers and their teams
- Addressing individual low esteem and lack of confidence especially with front-line staff
- Introducing multi-skilling and changing responsibilties
- Translating the senior management vision effectively into day-to-day working - and managing expectations of the results
- Engaging staff at all levels fully in the change process
- Maintaining momentum to achieve measurable continuous improvement
How can we help?
We work with a wide range of organisations, ranging from Universities and Government Departments through to blue-chip companies to facilitate new ways of thinking about customer service and help build new capabilities. Using our expertise you can help your teams to:
- Understand the fundamental value of good customer service
- Improve individual confidence and help people deal with challenging situations
- Build commitment to the customer service vision - and explore ways of making it happen.
- Focus on improving communications and collaborative working
- Build better links between managers and operational staff
- Create a stronger culture for continuous improvement - and apply techniques to 'raise the bar' for customer service standards
Looking for help in Other Areas?
We can support your development needs right across the FM spectrum, so whether you're looking to improve your..
...or other aspects of FM practice, please just give us a call on +44 (0)7483 348 224.